Sunday, June 9, 2013

Chinese Food Recipes 中餐食谱: Cream Corn and Egg Chowder Soup Recipe

Chinese Food Recipes 中餐食谱: Cream Corn and Egg Chowder Soup Recipe: Serves 6  Ingredients: •    2 eggs (stirred) •    2 tbsp bacon bits •    1 can cream of corn •    4 cups water •    1 onion (chopped...

Chinese Food Recipes 中餐食谱: Cream Corn and Egg Chowder Soup Recipe

Chinese Food Recipes 中餐食谱: Cream Corn and Egg Chowder Soup Recipe: Serves 6  Ingredients: •    2 eggs (stirred) •    2 tbsp bacon bits •    1 can cream of corn •    4 cups water •    1 onion (chopped...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Grow More Strawberries!

I have grown strawberries for years and never really had a big enough harvest to make more than one batch of jam, and graze for about a week.  Then I learned one simple trick to keep your strawberries producing...

Pinch the runners!
Runners are the new shoots that the plants send out.  When the new shoot touches dirt, it sends out roots and grows a new plant.  By pinching them, the plants are able to put energy into growing more yummy strawberries instead of a new plant!  i just pinch them as I go through and pick berries.